Movable Alphabet Sentence Prompts

Movable Alphabet Sentence Prompts


Print/laminate and cut. Offer these in a basket next to the Movable Alphabet. Each day the child can use one to fuel their creative writing. Alternatively, a child can use many to create a paragraph. Comes with blanks for cursive add in. 12 prompts included. 

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These prompts are meant to be printed in color and on cardstock and laminated (this will prolong their life!). Cut each prompt lengthwise and leave available for students to pick up for writing ideas. We use them with the Movable Alphabet, but they work just as well for children who are ready to go straight to paper.

Phonics Go-Fish

Phonics Go-Fish

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Set I: Phonetic Command Cards

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Word Reading

Emotion Cards (only)

Emotion Cards (only)

Set II: Phonetic Command Cards

Set II: Phonetic Command Cards
