Magic E Pictures and Cards

Magic E Pictures and Cards


Includes 10 pictures and 10 matching Magic E words. Also includes 10 word cards showing the word without Magic E.

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Print out pictures and words on cardstock and laminate. Show child each the red word cards first. Have them read them - explain some are Real words and some are Silly words. Then show pictures and explain that we are now going to be reading Magic E words - where the magic e on the end makes the vowel say its name instead of its sound. Then have child read black cards, making sure to say the vowels name instead of its sound because of the magic e on the end. Match with picture. Another extension is to use the pictures for the child to write the words with the Movable Alphabet - use the black word cards as the control.

Phonics Go-Fish

Phonics Go-Fish

9CCC253B-B25F-4E9E-8C85-3CFF22CF9A32 85CFF91C-4EC4-44AF-9A8B-9DCDDCE0D7E6

Metal Inset Extensions

IMG_5457.jpg IMG_4030.JPG

Middle Sounds E, I, O U Picture and Word Cards

C483827D-CE85-472C-A7A5-CFE6152B71DB F3EAA0FC-B593-4D61-A95E-C0596879DE87

Waseca Reading Program Record Keeping Kit


