Chicken Soup with Rice Booklets

Chicken Soup with Rice Booklets


Features the September-June (the typical school year) months of poems from Maurice Sendak’s Chicken Soup with Rice. They are printed so that that paper can be folding in half, then in half again, and you get a little booklet. Having a booklet stapler is helpful but not necessary. I like to add covers with the booklet stapler which also prevents children from unfolding the whole thing. I offer one as a master so that children can copy, but also, not necessary.

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Silhouette Scavenger Hunt

Silhouette Scavenger Hunt

88CF20F9-94F5-443F-976C-E8948643EA8C F73E5D50-0717-47C4-9816-7D2295EA21C1

Rhyming Scavenger Hunt

IMG_5239.JPG 2A738516-CB4C-4A8A-B483-D2BB6182B442

Pink Lined Paper 6 Stack

Picture Cards and Letter Tiles 12AFF1DD-F7ED-41EA-B3B4-BDC29E369BC0

Picture Cards and Letter Tiles

F40F7886-F915-472A-8266-6F28266F8BE9 79713B06-31F1-4C3C-9C7A-70E15D16F17A

Onset Rime Segmenting and Sliding Charts
