No. 6 Learning Packet: Oceans

No. 6 Learning Packet: Oceans
Learning Packet including Work Plan, Resource Guide, scavenger hunt, 5 ocean cut and paste, tracing, ocean booklet, ocean cut and paste, coin booklet, penny and nickel worth booklet, money exchange game board and read/draw/write.
No. 6 Learning Packet: Oceans
Ocean Scavenger Hunt
Print and cut large labels. “Hide” them around your environment. Offer child a clipboard, pencil and student sheet. They can find large labels and copy down words.
5 Oceans Cut & Paste
Cut word labels and glue onto correct ocean according to the master.
Ocean Tracing
Print (laminate if possible). Display masters, if you wish!
Offer child clothespins or clips and tracing paper. Child can trace with black sharpie and watercolor paint.
Blank sheets can also be used as coloring sheets.
Ocean Booklet
Color and label blank student sheets, cut and staple into a booklet
Reference master
Ocean Cut & Paste
Color, cut and glue onto a large piece of blue construction paper.
Coin Booklet
Cut on solid lines. Using master, child can label with name of coin and worth. Staple into a booklet.
Penny & Nickel quantity
Cut on solid lines and make each set into a booklet
Using bead bars as guides from the master, write the value of each set of coins.
Money Exchange Game
Each player gets a board. Supply a bowl of change and a dice. Each dot on the dice is a penny. When you get 5 dots, or 5 pennies, exchange for a nickel. When you get 10 dots or 10 pennies and have exchanged for 2 nickels, you can exchange for a dime and so forth. Winner is whoever gets to a quarter first!
Have child read and illustrate the underlined word.
Blank sheet for writing their own sentences.