Mini Bird Bundle

Mini Bird Bundle
Mini Bird Bundle
created by Marissa Frisk
This bundle includes:
Backyard Bird Toob Cards: This features 7 bird cards that correspond to the Toob Backyard Bird figurines.
Backyard Bird Scavenger Hunt: Print and laminate large cards. Hide them around your environment. Print student sheets and accompany them with a clipboard and pencil. Children copy write the words onto their student sheet as they find them.
Make a Bird Papercraft: Print on cardstock. Children can color/paint pieces, then cut and use paper fasteners to put this movable bird together.
Bird Word Writing: Print small cards double sided (pictures on front, word on the back) or print them separately and hang them up on a wall above a table next to each other. Provide a pencil and student sheet for students to copy write the words and practice line placement.
Bird Tracing: This includes four birds: Anna’s Hummingbird, American Robin, Western Bluebird and Steller’s Jay.
Feather Color Mixing: Print on cardstock and use these colors or mix them together to paint feathers. Watercolors suggested.
Foldable Bird Books: Print these on xerox paper. Fold in half and then half again. The name of the bird should be on the front. Pair this with the Bird Book Guide so children can color the birds and eggs according to the pictures.
Bird Book Guide/Badges: Print this and display along with the Foldable Bird Books OR print and cut into circles for children to collect their “bird watching” badges.
Note: Please use these materials in your classrooms and homes but send your friends our way to purchase their own. I work hard to create beautiful handmade materials which help support my family.
Marissa Frisk:
IG @missymontessori
Tag me so I can see how you use my materials!