Step by Step Drawings

Step by Step Drawings


(Photo not representative of batch). Featured in this download is Bird, Pup and Unicorn, House, Car, Flower, Coffee Cup, Succulent and Cupcake.

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Print on cardstock, laminate and cut into strips. Offer the strips with small pieces of paper, a pencil and markers.

5FD8E3FA-BD2E-4433-B816-98E28306829F 0CA7C34E-7954-4E3F-84AC-B3E299D55371

Life Cycle of a Flower Banner Craft

9CCC253B-B25F-4E9E-8C85-3CFF22CF9A32 85CFF91C-4EC4-44AF-9A8B-9DCDDCE0D7E6

Metal Inset Extensions

06C062A4-F9DC-474E-81DA-B505B55BB3F0 IMG_1661 2.jpg

Antarctica Animal Tracing

IMG_2067.JPG 2ECEF92A-4185-4FC0-AF78-365E829EDEF0.JPG

African Animal Tracing

8B1454D5-97C1-45EC-8E82-3B4FB67CFBA5 D68A296B-EBD2-4A76-8B02-E20DFB99589A

Bird Tracing
