Multiplication Shopping Lists

Multiplication Shopping Lists


These can be used with the printable decanomial box or actual bead bars. The number/color in the circle is the bead bar you should use. So if the circle has a green 2 in it, you know you will be using the green 2 bead bar. How many pictures of that corresponding object is how many of those bead bars you’ll need. So if there are three pictures of a plant and the number inside the circle is a 2. You’ll need “2 green bead bars.” Check out my IGTV episode if you need more clarity!

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IMG_7512.JPG F7108FAD-AD7D-4610-98B4-225FC80FE444

Clock Kit


1000 Exchange Game

Number Tracing Mini Book

Number Tracing Mini Book

Sets "Basket" IMG_2424.jpg

Sets "Basket"

9C22389B-D380-437B-86B3-913483660940 ABED11BE-8E55-49AD-8189-69C9BE653A6A

Bead Stair Coloring 1-9 and 1-10
