Mini Embedded Mnemonics Card Set for Memory Game

Mini Embedded Mnemonics Card Set for Memory Game


Here is a mini deck formatted so that you can print two sets and play a memory/matching game. These are also great to print multiples of and have to accompany other a-z work.

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Simple Letter Cards 17196D06-6B7C-461C-ABED-9C75B8F0E480.JPG

Simple Letter Cards

7C353EA3-0874-407E-98DF-FCD4C764391D B7EC9EE7-D012-425A-AD72-DC35B89E0FB0

Phoneme Segmentation Game II

EFD8F0AE-4598-48BA-BECA-666EE31E662A 1BE78508-3FF3-4437-B3B8-2861269BF801

Phoneme Segmentation Game

A61E2BD8-4298-42CD-8908-E8C44CF749AF.jpeg 2580873F-F3EC-409F-A8A0-310659A4DF22

Farm Labels

IMG_2308.jpg IMG_2312.JPG

Set I: Phonetic Command Cards
