Around the World Landmarks

Around the World Landmarks


These cards can be used on their own for matching to continents or can be used in addition to the TOOB Around the World Landmarks Set.

Suggestion: Print a set of the cards, cut into rectangles and print an additional set at 60% scale, cut the landmarks out and children can sort cards, tiny “objects” with any other materials you have for your continent study. This would be a great work to add to the Continent Mat from my shop.

Each classroom should own their own download. Please help to support me by not sharing among classrooms or friends!

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Antarctica Animal Book

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Animals of North America Scavenger Hunt

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Animals of Asia Scavenger Hunt

Australia Animal Book Screen Shot 2020-03-11 at 9.10.07 PM.png

Australia Animal Book


Animals of South America Scavenger Hunt
