Animals of Asia Scavenger Hunt

Animals of Asia Scavenger Hunt


Each classroom should own their own download. Please help to support me by not sharing among classrooms or friends!

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This scavenger hunt, or “write the room” activity can be used in school settings or at home! Print the large pictures/label page in color on cardstock. Laminate if you want/if possible (this allows them to be taken down and put back up over and over again!). Use a paper cutter to separate large labels into rectangular signs and “hide” around your space. I like using bluetac for this (the BLUE kind works best!). If you are in an environment where many children will be excited to use this - I find it helpful to limit how many can use it at a time by displaying a stack of the list papers with however many clipboards and pencils you think are appropriate. (In my classroom of 30 - I have two clipboards available). Children “find” the large labels around the room and copy the words down on their list paper. Print to fit.


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Weather Scavenger Hunt

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Animals of Australia Scavenger Hunt
